Home Board Game News Wingspan Oceania Expansion Giveaway

Wingspan Oceania Expansion Giveaway


Wingspan Giveaway

Welcome to our last giveaway for 2020! This year has been quite the roller coaster of craziness, so we’ve been giving away a lot of games recently to try and spread some cheer. And for our last one of the year, we are giving away a brand new copy of the Wingspan Oceania expansion. This is the second expansion for the award-winning euro game, Wingspan. If you haven’t tried the expansion yet, you can read Brian’s glowing review of it here for the full rundown.

Is today your lucky day? Only one way to find out! Entering to win is easy and, as usual, there are ways to earn bonus entries. Just use the widget below to enter.

You have until Sunday, December 27th to enter, with the winner being announced shortly after that. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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