Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 6/27

Kickstarters of the Week: 6/27


Origins 2016 is finally in the books and so is the first convention of the summer season. If you are curious as to our experiences at Origins this year, you can check out our Origins Recap here. This week, we’ve got four new campaigns to tie you over until the next convention starts up, enjoy!

Central City HeroesCentral City: Heroes – Relaunch

Central City: Heroes is a co-operative table top board game for 1-4 players. Each player takes on the role of a unique Superhero!

Current Status: 72% Funded
Pledge Amount: $60+
Ends: Tuesday, June 28th

ExoPlanetsExoplanets – A planetary life-development board game

Become the cosmic architect of a solar system! Create and develop life on planets in this 2-4 player, 45-60 minute board game!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $45+
Ends: Friday, July 1st

Legendary ShowdownLegendary Showdown: Gamer’s Quest

Gamer’s Quest features comically epic battles with your favorite avatars, bounty hunters, and skeleton warriors from Ctrl+Alt+Del

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $25+
Ends: Friday, July 1st

Fallen AngelFallen Angel

A highly strategic Eurogame played with dice.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €59+
Ends: Wednesday, June 22nd


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