Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 4/6

Kickstarters of the Week: 4/6


Welcome to this week’s roundup of intriguing Kickstarter campaigns. So let’s talk about how we chose these selections. You might be wondering why we haven’t featured your favorite campaign that’s currently ongoing. One of the things we try to do is pull campaigns that are nearing the end of their run. We usually aim for the last week or so. That gives us the best amount of time to feature as many games as possible. So if you have been waiting to see the game you are currently backing appear hear, give it time. If it’s awesome, we might share it with everyone as it nears the end of its run. There you go a little insight into how we choose our selections. Next week, I’ll give you my new pizza recipe. On to the games!

Lords of the Ice GardenThe Lord of the Ice Garden 2nd Edition

Dominate battles of magic and influence in this game of worker placement, area control, variable powers and asymmetric win conditions.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $75
Ends: Monday, April 6th

Castle AssaultCastle Assault: A Battle Card Game for 1 or 2 Players

A Strategy Card Game that combines the best elements of Tower Defense and Role Playing Games

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $50
Ends: Tuesday, April 7th

Wizards of the WildWizards of the Wild – The Card Game of Animal Sorcery!

A wild 30 minute card and dice game of sorcery for 2-4 players! Animal Wizards defeat magical challenges in an epic contest!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $16 (Standard Version) $24 (Deluxe Edition)
Ends: Thursday, April 9th

Cosmic RunCosmic Run

This is a fast and furious space race for 1-4 players from the designer of Biblios. It can be played competitively or cooperatively.

Current Status: 94% Funded
Pledge Amount: $28
Ends: Monday, April 13th


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