Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 12/19

Kickstarters of the Week: 12/19


We are in the final countdown and it’s just about one week until Christmas. I hope that you’ve been a good little gamer this year and Santa leaves you a lot of new board games under your tree. However if you think you’ll be warming yourself next week with some new coal, it’s best to get your own presents. With that in mind, we have a few interesting Kickstarters for you to check out. Enjoy!

NecronomicropNecronomiCORP – The office survival horror game

It’s a cooperative 60 minute game for 1-6 players. Now is your turn to survive and escape from your office.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount:  ~$36+ ($750MX)
Ends: Tuesday, December 20th


You are all going to burn in hell, you bunch of heretics! …the dice game.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €10+

Ether WarsEther Wars: Sci-Fi strategic dice placement & rolling game

Custom-dice based game of strategic worker placement, resource management, area control and asymmetric science fiction power struggle.

Current Status: 705 Funded
Pledge Amount: €39


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