Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 12/3

Kickstarters of the Week: 12/3


With PAX Unplugged finally in the books, we can say goodbye to board game conventions for the year. Now begins the long wait for next summer when we kick them back off with Origins. However, Alex and other members of the BGQ team were at PAX this past weekend, so be on the lookout for his convention recap, coming soon. In the meantime, on to the kickstarter campaigns!


Capstone Games presents Pipeline, an economic spatial-awareness strategy game from designer Ryan Courtney with artwork by Ian O’Toole

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $49+

PiratesExtraordinary Adventures: Pirates!

A movement based adventure for 2-5 players.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount:

ExplorinaExploriana – The board game of exploration and discovery.

Exploriana is a tense, exciting push your luck game. Set during the Victorian age of wonder, it’s easy to learn & packed with strategy!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £23+

City of Big ShouldersCity of the Big Shoulders

It’s a euro-style, resource management and worker placement game with a unique 18xx-style economic engine.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $59+

Assassin's CreedAssassin’s Creed®: Brotherhood of Venice

The story driven cooperative miniatures board game in the Assassin’s Creed® universe

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: CA$158+

Hero RealmsHero Realms Journeys

Six new expansion sets for Hero Realms! (And an awesome offer for new players too.)

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $20+


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