Home Board Game News Board Game Publisher IDW Games Reportedly Closes Shop

Board Game Publisher IDW Games Reportedly Closes Shop


IDW Games, a division of IDW (who also runs IDW Publishing and IDW Entertainment) has apparently closed down. First noticed by Board Game Geek, who found out about it in IDW Games’ recent Q2 2021 fiscal report from IDW Publishing. In the report, it was noted that “tabletops games [as] a line of business from which IDWP has exited”.

IDW LossAs of today, IDW Games’ Twitter account is still active, and they have published updates on their Batman: The Animated Series Kickstarter page as recently as last week. In fact, they were active in the comments section on that same Kickstarter page as recently as yesterday, August 26th. This Kickstarter was due to ship in December of 2020, but recent updates have said that manufacturing is all but done. Hopefully, this campaign still manages to deliver to backers.

IDW Games has been in a bit of trouble lately, with many canceled projects, including their anticipated Metal Gear Solid board games and a Bomberman board game. Some of IDW Games is best games are their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past board game, as well as Batman: The Animated Series Gotham Under Siege. They’ve also published notable clunkers like the truly awful Outpost Siberia and many of their Atari branded board games (centipede, Missile Command).


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